What Do We Believe In?

We believe in the local church, as an active part of the body of Jesus Christ, under His headship (Mt. 16:16; Rom. 12:4-5; 1 Cor. 12:27; Eph. 4:15-16; Col. 2:9-10, cf. Rev. 2-3)
The Lordship of Jesus Christ
We affirm that 'Jesus is Lord!’ - over every individual person’s life and the whole world. Whilst we have a life there is an opportunity to surrender to Him, so we choose to willingly accept him as our Lord now, through faith and obedience to his call to discipleship. At the end of this age Jesus will return as Lord of all, to judge the whole world and all peoples, in righteousness (Mt. 7:21-23; Lk. 9:57-62; 14:25-35; Rom. 10:9-13; Phil. 2:9-11).
The Authority of the Bible
We believe that The Bible is the book of all books because its writers were inspired by God's Spirit. That is why it is also known as the 'Word of God' and relied on to guide both what we believe and how we live our lives (2 Tim. 3:16; 1 Cor. 2:13).
Baptism for Believers
From the many examples in the New Testament scriptures, we believe that baptism is for those who have repented of their sins, who have put their faith in Jesus Christ and who declare that he is Lord. So, believers are baptised by immersion in water, symbolising the inward desire to die to self and live life anew as a disciple of Christ (Mt. 28:19-20; Mk. 16:16; Acts 2:38; Rom. 6:1-7).
The Holy Spirit and His Gifts
Everyone who repents of their sin, turns to God and has faith in the Lord Jesus Christ receives the free gift of the Holy Spirit. He empowers them for effective Christian service and witness to the whole world (Acts 1:8; 2:38; 8:14-17; 10:44-48; 19:1-6; Rom. 8:9; 1 Cor. 12:13; Eph. 1:13-14). The Holy Spirit also distributes gifts to every believer, in accordance with His own will (Rom. 12:3-8; 1 Cor. 12:4-11, 28; Eph. 4:7-8).
The Church as Community
The church is a community of believers gathered in the name of Jesus Christ for worship, witness and service. As a local Baptist church we are not set a specific liturgy, but are free to develop as a fellowship through prayer and praise, listening and reflecting on scripture and the regular ‘breaking of bread’ (Mt. 18:19-20; Acts 2:42-47; 1 Cor. 5:4; 14:26; Col. 3:16).
The Priesthood of all Believers
We believe that everyone who attends Living Word Christian Fellowship will develop in character and gifting, using their God-given skills and talents for the good of their family, the church and the community. The Fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5: 22-23) will be increasingly evident, along with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, include teaching, evangelism, social action, pastoral care, prayer, healing, taking part in worship, administration and hospitality (Mk. 16:17- 18; Rom. 12:3-8; 1 Cor. 12:4-13; 1 Pet. 2:5, 9; Rev. 1:5).
The Five-Fold Leadership Ministry Gifts

Some believers are chosen by Christ for particular leadership ministry gifts i.e. Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors, and Teachers, to equip His church. Working together, their contributions prepare and mature new believers for ministry, that is service, within the local church, their work and wider society (Rom. 12:3-8; 1 Cor. 12:27-31; Eph. 4:11-16).
Church Membership
When a person is baptised in a Baptist Church, they typically become a church member. The members of the church are together called to participate in Members' Meetings under God's guidance and prayerfully discern God's will for their shared life. This includes decisions concerning the appointments of leaders, and agreeing to financial policy and mission endeavours (Mt. 18:15-17; Acts 2:41; 1 Cor. 12:13).
We believe that churches should not live and function in isolation, so Living Word Christian Fellowship is linked regionally, nationally and internationally for support, fellowship and fulfilment of its vision.
Sharing the faith
We believe that each Christian has a duty to share their faith with others. Our mission is centred on evangelism, discipleship and raising up godly leaders in every sphere of life and extends to the promotion of justice, social welfare, healing, education and peace in the world (Mt. 25:31-46; 1 Tim. 2:1-4; Jam. 5:1-6; 1 Pet. 3:15).