2024 - What we did

Key activities in support of our vision:
Preaching and teaching ministry was principally delivered by Rev Dr Jacky and we were blessed to have a number of visiting ministers throughout the year, who invested into the life of the church including:
- Rev Winston Bygrave, Regional London Baptist Minister
- Rev Ron Nathan, International Minister to Kenya and the Caribbean
- Bejoy Pal, CEO Ascension Trust,
- Rev Dr Girma Bishaw, Co-Director The London Project
- Louise Isaac and Rev Les Isaac OBE, President The Ascension Trust
Our focus for evangelism included:
The Alpha Course online - given our heart to share the gospel out-with our walls, we began the year with an 8-week series of interactive sessions that created space for the curious to explore the Christian faith in an open friendly environment. Each session included a short film, reflections and opportunity for questions and small-group discussion on matters of faith, life and meaning.
We also held an Evangelistic Service, with one of our members David, sharing his story of a cancer diagnosis and how his faith in Christ helped him and his wife through to a place of complete healing and thankfulness for life.
7th August - Jesus Heals Today @ Ellel Glyndley Manor, East Sussex - A group of us travelled together to Hailsham for a day set aside to allow the Holy Spirit to minister ‘healing and wholeness’ via reflection, creativity and prayer. We had a great time of fun, food and fellowship and everyone spoke of how the day had helped, strengthened and encouraged them
8th September – Thanksgiving Service with Keynote Speaker Rev Everton McLeod, who spoke on 2 Timothy 1:1-10
‘A Legacy of Faith’, reflecting on the life of our founder, Rev Dr Curdell McLeod and her forebears and encouraging us all to be faithful in raising up successive generations that love the Lord and walk in His ways. Video tributes were shared and a Fellowship Dinner was enjoyed by family and friends in attendance.
3rd-13th October – Mission to Ghana – Rev Dr Jacky went on her second mission with The Ascension Trust to Ghana. The whole church partnered in support, through prayer and donation of finances and specifically requested resources such as clothing, shoes and sanitary products. We built on our holistic work in partnership with local civic and church leaders amongst the Kayayei girls in Accra. We also leveraged strategic partnerships with The National Apostolic Church and local healthcare workers. to provide medical services and undertake outreach in three areas of deprivation in the city.
15th December - Baptismal Service in partnership with Hither Green Baptist Church. Three of our young adults shared their testimonies and demonstrated their commitment to Christ by going through the waters of baptism. It was a day of great celebration, with specific prayers and words of encouragement given to them. Afterwards our two churches shared a fellowship meal, together with guests, family and friends.

Our 111 people initiative continues, with prayers, relationship and support to a growing number of people in our network, originally 111, now 126!
We also had the following thematic initiatives to encourage spiritual growth:
The Wisdom Challenge, with members reading and reflecting on one chapter of Proverbs each day of the month, with one person sharing their learning on our Whats App group each day. There was strong engagement with this initiative and many were strengthened and encouraged in their by the content that was readily applicable to their daily lives
Devotional Studies: We have been studying ‘Men of the Bible’ and ‘Women of the Bible’ by Ann Spangler, as a focus for disciplined personal prayer, bible study and reflection, with the opportunity to share insights and perspectives for mutual growth and development.
We are immensely grateful to God for the vision and for working in and through us to see His plans and purposes come to pass!