About Us

We are a local church with a heart for God and a passion for people and communities. Our gatherings are dedicated to worshipping God, praying together, and gaining wisdom and insight for everyday life through the study of God’s Word. We pray in faith for individuals, our neighbourhoods, and our city, believing in God’s power to provide, heal, and restore.
We actively encourage every Christian to develop their relationship with God, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide and empower them for service. Our earnest desire is to witness each person grow to maturity and fulfil their destiny in Him.
Living Word Christian Fellowship was founded in 2000 and established in 2001 in Lee Green, South East London, with a clear mandate to impact our borough, city, nation and beyond with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Small Groups: Every fortnight, we gather in small groups known as ‘Prayer-Care Groups’ to foster genuine fellowship and mutual support.
Prayer: Prayer is the key to the life of the church, and opportunities for a prayer focus include the Sunday Service, small group meetings, and dedicated prayer gatherings.
Thank you so much for your generous support which enables us to fulfil our God-given mission.
Our Trusted Partners:
We have also partnered with Spurgeon's College to invest in Christian leadership development and ministry, by establishing the Rev Dr Curdell McLeod Bursary; awarded to selected students in formal ministerial training - a fitting tribute to the legacy of our founding Apostle.